Owen Boots and Yoan Pinsonneault relax after a long day of soccer and camp games
This summer PPA offered its first sleep away camp at Camp Tall Timers, and by all accounts, it was a raging success! PPA Players Owen and Yoan talked to us about their experience with glowing reviews. Yoan - “Tubing was the best” Boots - “Nah man, soccer is my jam (he then proceeded to “dab” in Yoan’s face” PPA Campers would play soccer 4 hours a day before going on the other camp activities. “Tubing, Soccer….” “Archery, Rock Climbing….” “Oh and Zip Line!” “Yea the Zip Line was awesome” “Oh and they had a pool, and lake activities, like Kayaking and Canoeing”
Check out our PPA Sleepaway Camp highlight video and slideshow below:
At the end of the week PPA Campers participated in a Tournament. Coach Mark, Coach Mike, Coach Jamie, and Coach Annie each led their squad in a round-robin style competition to determine the camp champion. When the dust had settled, Coach Mark’s team stood head and shoulders above the rest.

Boots - “Yea but my team should have won. We finished 2nd.” Yoan - “OH! And the cabins were deeeec” Me - “Deeec?” Boots - “Yea they were nice, nice showers, and good food” Yoan - “Yea Pizza and Spaghetti dinner was the best. They had a salad bar too. And they would do music and cheers for announcements.” Me - “Do you remember any?” Boots and Yoan: “Announcements, announcements, annooouuuncements! A horrible way to die (clap clap) a horrible way to die! (clap clap)! A horrible way to start the day a horrible way to die! (repeat)

Me - "A horrible way to die?! What type of cheer is that? Boots - “It was more a cheer to see which side could cheer loudest” Yoan - “Oh yea that’s what it was” Boots - “I wanna go back, it was so much fun” Yoan - “Yea same. Next year I wanna win that tournament. And I miss the lake.”
A lake does sound like a nice way to beat the heat! PPA doesn't have any sleep away camps left this summer, but there are a couple weeks of soccer, basketball, and tots camps left for those looking to make the most of the rest of the summer months!
Check out the full photo album from PPA Sleepaway Camp at Camp Tall Timbers: ppamedia.smugmug.com/Summer-2017-PPA-Sleepaway-Camp-Camp-Tall-Tall-Timbers/