October, 2023
If you are interested in trying out this winter, please complete this form and one of our Age Group Director will get in contact with you.
Overview of the Premier Soccer Program:
The leading select travel soccer program in the DC, MD region. Players play on teams organized by their birth year with PPA's renowned professional coaching staff. The goal of the program is to provide advanced players with a highly competitive playing experience, to play in the region's top soccer leagues and tournaments, and to develop players to their highest potentials on and off the court. To see more information about the premier soccer program, read our program guide.
Tryout Schedule: Tryouts will take place on Saturdays through out January. If interested please fill out this form and one of our Age Group Directors will reach out to you.
Tryout FAQ's:
Who should come to Tryouts?
Tryouts are open to boys and girls from age groups 2016 - 2007. We're looking for players who are passionate about soccer and want to play at a competitive level.
What should I bring to Tryouts?
Athletic attire, soccer ball, water.
What should I expect at Tryouts?
At the tryouts, players will be organized according to their age group and will play in games, skill drills, and/or fitness tests.
How soon will I find out if I made the team?
We expect to reach out to players 5-10 days after the tryout.
If I get invited to join a team, what happens next?
If you get invited to join a team, we'll give you all the information you might need for what's included in the program and give you a few days to review the information and let us know your decision. If you decide to join the team, programming could start as soon as this summer.
What is the difference between PPA's Premier Program and Development Program?
The Premier Program is a select program, meaning players need to tryout to be invited to join a team. Players are organized by age and skill level and play on teams that compete year round in competitive leagues and tournaments. Teams normally practice 2 or 3 times/week.
The Development Program is open to players of all levels, and allows parents to form teams and invite friends to join. The league emphasizes a balance of fun and competition and players participate on a seasonal basis. Teams normally practice once a week.
Many players in our premier program start out in our Development Program. If you're interested in joining a premier team but your not sure about the commitment level or if your child is ready for the competitive level, you can consider joining the Development Program for the Spring or Fall Season.
Who should I contact if I have questions?
Age Group Directors
Players born in 2016 - 2012: Yikalo@ppateam.com
Players born in 2011 - 2010: Lucas@ppateam.com
Players born in 2009 - 2007: Harrison@ppateam.com