The warmth is leaving, the cold is coming, and PPALife goes on. The winter
season brings not an end but the beginning of our exciting Winter Programs!
Winter Soccer Clinics
o Come out any day of the week to join the fun as we continue to
develop as students of the game. The winter season starts on
December 5 th and our indoor space is limited, so make sure to
register ASAP through the PPA Portal
PPA Hoops League
o PPA Hoops, like Soccer, provides high quality coaching to
create a great experiences and opportunities for development.
This year we will be forming teams for 2 nd – 4 th graders on both
the boys and girls side. For more info about winter hoops,
please email Mike McClain: hoops@ppateam.com
Futsal League
o For our U8/9’s and U10/11’s, you can now register to join a
Futsal team to play indoor games on weekends at Washington
Episcopal School. Games will run from January 7th through the
end of February. Futsal is not only a blast, but it is extremely
beneficial for developing soccer players. For more info about
winter futsal, please email boys@ppateam.com